Back to school

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How can we help your child succeed in school?

Vision is our most important sense when it comes to early childhood learning. Did you know that 1 out of 4 school age children have vision problems?

Success at school and in sports not only requires clear vision and healthy eyes, but eyes that focus well and work together as a team. Some signs and symptoms may include poor attention when reading, loss of place, eye rubbing, closing one eye and sometimes blurred or double vision.

Schedule your comprehensive pediatric eye exam this month to get ready for a successful school year.

Enjoy your gift from us. Call 212.688.0618 and schedule an appointment for your child and mention “Back to school” campaign.


Back to school voucher
* Valid through September 30, 2018. Offer includes clear, single vision polycarbonate lenses with purchase of frame. Certain prescription restrictions apply. Valid RX required. Complete pair purchase required. Cannot be combined with insurance, any other offer or promotion or previous purchases. Additional charges apply for safety eye wear or sports goggles. Offer good on multiple pairs. Ask our Optician for details.


Designer Brand Eyewear Available

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This is the latest
in eyewear

woman with glassesOk, not really but we can provide you with better eyewear.
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